Nej, det kender du ikke til, vel?

Men altså, i går var jeg i dårligt humør og sådan lidt småtræt af det hele. Og hvad gør man så, når vejret er endnu værre, og sommerferien er slut, prut finale?
Joe, sådan lidt trøsteshopping er slet ikke det værste, man kan finde på. Jeg fandt min ønskeseddel frem, og krydsrefererede den med Abebooks.
Dvs, jeg fandt bøger til billig pris fra den samme forhandler – på den måde sparer man porto, i modsætning til Amazon, hvor der ikke er noget at spare ved at købe flere bøger fra samme underforhandler.
Her er dagens lækkerier:
Ruth Rendell, Portobello
Laura Wilson, Stratton´s War
Louise Penny, Still Life.
Nå ja, og så ´overtalte´ min datter mig til at købe denne her, fordi hun faldt for omslaget.
Elizabeth Spann Craig, Pretty is as Pretty Dies. Jeg ville egentlig have haft den første i serien, men den er udsolgt fra forlaget, og en pris på 36 dollars + porto for en brugt krimi? – Aldrig i livet.
Kan du finde på at købe bøger for at redde en dårlig dag?
Comfort Shopping.
No, you wouldn´t do that, would you?
Well, but … yesterday I was in a bad mood and just about a bit tired of everything. And one does a person do when the weather is even worse, and the holidays are so much over?
In such a situation a spot of comfort shopping may not be a bad cure. I found my wish list, compared with the prices on Abebooks. (The only secondhand bookshop I have found where you save on the shipping by ordering several books from the same place. Smart!).
Here are my finds:
Ruth Rendell, Portobello
Laura Wilson, Stratton´s War
Louse Penny, Still Life.
Well, and then my daughter ´persuaded´ me to buy this one because she fell for the cover:
Elizabeth Spann Craig, Pretty is as Pretty Dies.
I really wanted the first in the series, but it was out of stock which meant prices from $ 36 + postage for a used copy. – No way.
Have you tried to make an awful day better by buying books?
10 kommentarer:
Yes! I do that often! I love to shop books, whether it is for comfort or because I "need" the book :-)
Hope your mood and your day lightens up a bit.
We have reasonable weather in Copenhagen, and I still have 5 more days of vacation....
I used to have a terribly expensive habit of going to bookstores as an escape from what seemed at the time to be unbearable doldrums. To assuage my down-and-out attitude, and to avoid hanging out in bars (which only exacerbates the spin within the maelstrom of depression), I would scour stores and buy books--lots of books! It seemed to be some sort of over-the-top corrective for my youth when I yearned for books, but my parents had no money for such "luxuries." Now, with life being full of ironies, publishers send me more books than I can ever get around to reading, and that means I no longer need to prowl the bookstores with credit card in hand. My purchases now are more focused and less manic. Well, you asked the question, but I suspect you've heard more than you bargained for this time around.
Louise, I wouldn´t put it past you ;)
R.T. I asked, and of course I am also interested in the more thoughtful answers. I know all about not having been able to afford books. We owned no books in my home so I am grateful to public libraries, I can assure you. For me the consequences have been different, however. I still feel I have to be very thrifty which is one of the reasons why most of my books are second-hand paperbacks (well, another reason is that when British and American readers pay for the paperback, I pay for the shipping).
It is the same with clothes, really. My daughters laugh at me when I buy something new, put it in the closet for ages and wear my old jeans nine days out of ten. Silly, I know, but there you are.
Comfort book buying is something I do all too often. The main problem this creates is the lack of time for comprehensive comfort reading....
I absolutely do! I highly recommend Louise Penny's Still Life. Great book.
Yes, my first book is at black market prices. Bleh. I'm hoping one of my publishers will re-release it.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Martin, I have not done it much until recently (for economic reasons, not restraint), but I begin to feel how encouraging it is to browse the internet and buy a few books.
Elizabeth, I have read the third in Louise Penny´s series (I won it), and as I could only find one flaw in it (Gamache was almost too good to be true), I thought I´d better begin from the beginning.
And you are right, your first book is a bit ´out of bounds´.
I love comfort shopping! I hope you'll really enjoy Still Life - I fell absolutely in love with Three Pines when I first read the book. If it were a real place, I'd move there right now!
Belle, I am sure I will have forgotten all about my blue day when all these wonderful books arrive! I love opening book parcels, and these ones should be a good selection :D
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