This Nordic thriller is the first in a series.
”He could make no sense of the mutterings coming from the professor´s drooling mouth. He had a hunch that the body – it had to be a body, nothing living could look like that – had fallen onto Gunnar when he opened the door of the printer alcove. Against his will his gaze was drawn to the appalling human remains. The black patches on the eyes were not patches at all. His stomach clenched. God help us all. The knot in his stomach tightened, and he threw up."
The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Friday as usual – hopefully.
Gæt en bog # 29.
Denne nordiske krimi er den første i en serie.
“Han begreb ikke meget af den usammenhængende mumlen, som strømmede ud af fyren. Men han begreb så meget som at liget – det måtte være et lig, intet levende menneske kunne se sådan ud – var faldet ned oven i Gunnar da han åbnede døren til printerlokalet. Mod hans vilje søgte hans øjne mod det forfærdelige syn, kroppen udgjorde.
Herre min skaber. De sorte lapper over øjnene var slet ikke lapper.”
Hvis du kan genkende citatet, eller hvis du tror du kan gætte hvem forfatteren er, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre. Jeg er forhåbentlig klar til at anmelde bogen på fredag som sædvanlig.
8 kommentarer:
He he I know this, I think and so might Kerry Katona [convoluted clue to country in which it is set].
Sounds gritty! I don't know this one at all, but it sounds intriguing.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Just had my comment eaten and forgot to copy it! Curses.
So, I am sure I know this one, and am thinking along same lines as Norman from his response.
Female author, two novels? Second novel has a heavenly entity in the title?
Norman, you have given my readers food for thought, I am sure :D
Elizabeth, I have only read the first half, but it seems promising.
Maxine, quite right.
As it happens, I met the author last night ... so, yes, someone appearing at the Edinburgh Book Festival.
Nice clue, Norm!
Tim, another fine clue - even though I am so envious right now - I would love to be back in Edinburgh :D
I give the author much credit for writing about a killing so obviously committed by a moral bankrupt.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Peter, you are ahead of me there. I still have 150 pages to go :D
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