So just a teaser from the book I am reading right now:
“Ross felt his hatred boil. A slow, hot burn moved up his neck as he watched Elliott joke with the barmaid. His jaw tightened. This man had ruined his life, yet Ross laughed as if nothing had happened.”
I received this American crime story from the publisher last week, and after two Scandinavian library books I promise to review Jackie Fullerton´s Revenge Served Cold.
[And thank you to Margot who encouraged the publisher to send me the book]
6 kommentarer:
Dorte - Oh, I'm so glad that worked out between you and the publisher. It looks like an interesting book, and that teaser is intriguing. I hope you enjoy it!
I love revenge in a mystery! :)
This one sounds good...
An intriguing teaser that one. Have a great weekend at that cottage of yours.
Margot: it was so kind of you to think of me.
Elizabeth: yes, revenge is often a good theme.
Tracy: thank you! It is beastly cold, but we love being here anyway. And I have been very tired today so I have read quite a lot.
Thanks to Margot I have a copy of this book too! I hope to read it very soon.
Margaret: I promise to review it soon, but I have two Scandinavian books queuing up.
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