A thriller from far away.
“Just then, another wall of ice crumbled behind her and collapsed on itself, crackling like distant thunder. She turned away from the camera and watched as the entire cliff plummeted into the gray-blue water and disappeared in an angry eruption of spray.
Perfect timing, she thought with a glimmer of satisfaction, a brief respite from the solemnity she´d been feeling since she´d arrived on the ship the day before.”
The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed Friday as usual.
DJ´s gæt en bog # 63.
En spændingsroman som blandt andet foregår ved verdens ende.
”I samme nu brækkede endnu en isblok af bag hende og knustes under sin egen vægt med en buldren som fjern torden. Hun vendte sig væk fra kameraet og så hele isvæggen styrte ned i det gråblå vand og forsvinde i en voldsom kaskade af vandsprøjt.
Det helt rigtige tidspunkt, tænkte hun med en vis tilfredshed – et lille pusterum fra den dybe alvor, som hun havde følt siden sin ankomst med skibet dagen før.”
Hvis du kan genkende citatet, eller hvis du tror du kan gætte hvem forfatteren er, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre. Bogen bliver anmeldt på fredag.
8 kommentarer:
I don't actually recognise the quote. But my little grey cells are working. There's a word in there that makes me wonder if it is a book about a particular setting. Perhaps a setting that a certain challenge host might be needing to read about. So then my little grey cells are thinking that it might be a book that you mentioned some posts ago....
On a different matter...is that tin what I think it is? In which case....ewwwww (unless it's a tin of whale friendly tuna in which case forget I said anything)
Dorte - Hmm.. I'm responding to your post here. That must be a sign that I know what this one is... ; )
Bernadette: what a sleuth you are! An extra point for detecting - and for remembering what I wrote days ago!
Margot: what a subtle hint :D
I am left puzzled by the exchanges above, which presumably mean my guess is wrong. But your quotes remind me of a book that allegedly began a whole country's "taste" for a genre. And has a title omitted for the US translation that is there in the UK one - and much better with it, in my opinion.
Maxine: I am often puzzled too, but I don´t think this one has more than one English title - and I am not at all sure you have read this one.
Oh I wish I were better at this game!!
Dear Dorte
My brain was turned on today and showed me the sign of a wellknown New York bestselling book.
Beth: I can´t blame you if you haven´t read this one. If it had not been for a challenge, I would NEVER have picked it.
Poly: fine clue! Cheers.
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