2010 Cozy Mystery Challenge
One of my goals for June was to finish my cosy mystery challenge. Done!
1. Donna Moore, Old Dogs (2010) – cosy caper – read in April
2. M.C. Beaton, Death of an Outsider( 1988) – read in April
3. Louise Doughty, Honey-Dew (1998) – read in April
4. Jackie Fullerton, Revenge Served Cold (2010) – read in May
5. Rebecca Tope, Death in the Cotswolds (2006) – read in June
6. Ngaio Marsh, Artists in Crime (1938) – classical whodunit - read in June
Most humorous: Old Dogs
Most traditional: Artists in Crime
Cosiest: Death of an Outsider + Death in the Cotswolds
And now for my ´competition´.
In a few days I expect visitor no 30,000. On this occasion I have decided to give away a gift voucher of £ 10 (or $ 15) for Amazon.com or Amazon.uk
The rules:
World wide competition
Send an email with your name before next Sunday (July 4th) to do.hu.ja (at) mail.tele.dk
Tie breaker: write the name of one writer I like. (Don´t worry, I like 95 % of the books I review)
14 kommentarer:
Well done on the completion and mant thanks for this generous giveaway.
Great with a little competition - I've sent my mail :)
Dorte - How fun! Thank you! I've sent you my entry : ).
Tracy, Louise, Margot:
Thank you - I have received three correct answers.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! I'm still working on that one.
I'll send my entry along shortly....
Well done on the 30,000 (in anticipation) Dorte. Whatever we say about statistics it is nice to see the visitors roll in.
What a wonderful milestone. Congratualations.
Congratulations Dorte. I'll send you my entry now.
Kelly: at least the cozy mystery challenge is not *hard* work :D
Kerrie: yes, it is fun to keep track of who - and especially where from.
Heather: thank you.
Jose: thank you. I´ll watch out for it.
Wow. I can't believe you're done with this already. And you read some great books. I love the Hamish Macbeth books -- they are soooo cozy, but Hamish is fun.
I love Marsh's books too.
Beth: I think I will buy more Hamish Macbeth stories later, but I still have 3-4 cosies on my TBR for the summer holidays.
30000! That's a lot of bloggy-friends. You must feel well loved (-:
Congrats on finishing the cozy mystery challenge!!! Way to go!
(and sorry I'm so behind in blog reading)
Thank you, Kris.
And I know what it is like. This year I am also hosting a challenge, and it is impossible for me to keep track of everything that goes on.
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