onsdag den 15. juli 2009

DJ´s Bait in the Box # 24

[Photo: DJ]

In this fairly old crime novel, the second in a series, someone walks along the beach and finds a body. (Never heard that one before, have you?)

“His blue eyes widened suddenly, his body becoming strangely still… That was what came of going into cold water before breakfast! Lunacy, so help him. Spoiling other people´s breakfasts, too. Schaefer´s best, except where ribs broken. Not likely to be ribs broken. Perhaps only a faint after all. Assure the patient in a loud voice that he is safe. Her arms and legs were as brown as the sand. That was why he had thought the green thing a piece of cloth. Lunacy, so help him. Who wanted cold water in the dawn unless they had to swim for it? …

There was no need for Schaefer´s, nor for any other method. He saw that at a glance. The girl was past all help. And he, who had picked bodies unemotionally from the Red Sea surf, was strangely moved. It was all wrong that someone so young should be lying there when all the world was waking up to a brilliant day; when so much of life lay in front of her. A pretty girl too, she must have been. Her hair had a dyed look, but the rest of her was all right.”

The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess the author, the place or the period, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Friday as usual.

Gæt en bog # 24.
Denne lidt ældre, engelske krimi er den anden i en serie. Den begynder med, at en person går langs stranden og finder et lig.

”Hans blå øjne spærredes pludselig op, og hans krop blev mærkeligt stille… Det var, hvad der kom ud af at gå ud i koldt vand før morgenmaden! Vanvid, Gud hjælpe ham. Ødelægge andre menneskers morgenmad, tilmed. Schafers metode [en genoplivningsmetode] er bedst, med mindre der er brækkede ribben. Ikke sandsynligt, at der er brækkede ribben. Måske er det trods alt bare en besvimelse. Forsikre patienten om, at han er i sikkerhed, med høj og tydelig stemme. Hendes arme og ben var lige så brune som sandet. Det var derfor, han havde troet, den grønne tingest var et stykke stof. Vanvid, Gud hjælpe ham. Hvem kunne tænke sig koldt vand om morgenen, med mindre det var for at svømme i det? …

Der var ikke brug for Schafers, eller nogen som helst anden metode. Han så det med et øjekast. Pigen var ude over al hjælp. Og han, som uden at føle noget videre havde samlet kroppe op fra det Røde Hav, var underligt bevæget. Det var helt forkert, at så ung en person skulle ligge der, når hele verden var ved at vågne op til en vidunderlig dag; når så meget af livet lå foran hende. Hun måtte tilmed have været en køn pige. Hendes hår så farvet ud, men resten af hende var i orden.”

Hvis du genkender citatet, eller hvis du tror, du kan gætte forfatteren, stedet eller perioden, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre.

9 kommentarer:

Bernadette sagde ...

ooh ooh I think I know this one...female author...died in the 50's...the book was the basis for a Hitchcock film (which is the reason I read the book a couple of years ago and can remember enough to recognise the quote)

Dorte H sagde ...

Spot on, Bernadette.
I am not sure I would have expected an Australian to be the first reader to guess this one. LOL

Tim sagde ...

I don't know the quote but I recognise the box :-).

It's the Police Box on Waverley Bridge

Dorte H sagde ...

Tim, isn´t it a gorgeous box!

- and if you told my other readers which part of the world we are talking about, it might jog some people´s memory :D

Bernadette sagde ...

I'm quite a fan of Hitchcock Dorte - otherwise I'd never have read the book - gotta say it wasn't one of my favourites - i've not read anything else by her.

seana graham sagde ...

I don't know. Since I'm wrong, I was going to say that it reminded me of one of P.D. James--Death in Holy Orders, maybe? It's not old enough, so I don't think I've spoiled anything for anyone.

Dorte H sagde ...

Bernadette, I won´t comment on the book until Friday as it is a bait.

Seanag, I think if you read the whole story, you would notice that it was older. But then, P.D. James is probably not famous for being modern.

Beth F sagde ...

I'm terrible at this game, but I love the photo!!!

Dorte H sagde ...

Beth, I know that if you haven´t read the book, it is absolutely hopeless.
The photo is of a "police box", i.e. a phone box for calling the police, in Edinburgh (which is also a sort of clue), and I knew immediately that I would have to use that one for a Scottish book.