He invited us for a cup of coffee, and will you believe it or not: the bag I am holding in my hand contains a very special present for me (see below). And they say Scotsmen are stingy. No way! I was quite touched, actually.
Tim, thank you so much - and it was such a pleasure to meet you!
9 kommentarer:
You are having such a greta tiem Dorte!
You are having such a great time Dorte! (excuse the dyslexic fingers of the previous comment please!)
Very British, I'd say.
WOW!!!!!! How cool is that?
Amazing! What a special treat! Looks like your trip to Scotland is dreamy so far.
When you get back, I've tagged you for a meme if you feel like doing one.
That is so awesome. First, that you got to visit Edinburgh, second that you met your blog reader and that you got an autographed copy of a book. I think it's fantastic that all these things happened to you at once.
Sejt nok! Den slags beretninger giver mig helt lyst til selv at blive international blogger, saadan for alvor...
Thank you, all of you. Good to be back & read all our nice comments.
I have had a wonderful holiday, and I promise to tell you /show you some of the best experiences.
Julia, I´ll visit you tomorrow.
Jane, det skulle du tage at gøre, det kan virkelig anbefales. Og tusind tak for postkortet - det var dejligt at komme hjem til.
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