Til læsere af min blog, som måske har undret sig over, hvor jeg blev af. For en uge siden hentede min mand og jeg vores børn i lufthavnen i Edinburgh og kørte vest på - nærmere bestemt til Ardnamurchan-halvøen, som er det vestligste punkt på det britiske fastland. Længere ud kan man nærmest ikke komme. Ingen internet eller mobiladgang. Til gengæld var der meget andet, og det skal I nok få lov at høre og se lidt mere om de nærmeste dage.
The Very Wild West.
For readers of my blog who may have wondered what happened to me. Last week my husband and I picked up our children in Edinburgh Airport and drove west - to the Ardnamurchan pensinsula, as far west as you can get on the British mainland. No internet or mobile. There were many other things to experience, however, as you will see over the next few days.
4 kommentarer:
I assumed the Haggis got you!
Bookwitch: Oh no, I conquered the Haggis ;) I even enjoyed the battle.
I've been away myself, but am back home now and trying to catch up on blogs, tweets and mail. Wanna thank you for the comments you've left on my pages while I was away. And the images you posted in the post above from the room with all the books are simply GREAT! What a fab thing to see when renting a house. Can you even find the time to get out of there and do anything with all those books in the house?
Louise, welcome back.
I also have a lot to catch up with, but I will be back in a few days (when I have handled the washing, a post-holiday headache and 230 mails).
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