[This pretty box belongs to Julia, A Piece of my Mind]
This novel is the first in a fairly well-known series.
“One couldn´t trust. Not ever. Not really. And that´s what he´d come to London to say: that it wasn´t the truth. It only looked like the truth. A body, a girl, and a bloody axe. But it wasn´t the truth. He had to convince them, and … Oh Lord, he had so little talent for this. But God was on his side. He held onto that thought. What I´m doing is right, what I´m doing is right, what I´m doing is right. Replacing the other, this new chant took him right to the doors of New Scotland Yard.”
The rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Friday as usual.
Gæt en bog # 11.
Denne bog er den første i en kendt krimiserie.
”Man kan ikke stole på noget. Aldrig. Ikke helt. Det var det han var kommet til London for at sige: at det ikke var sandheden. Det så bare sådan ud. Et lig, en pige, og en blodig økse. Men det var ikke sandheden. Han måtte overbevise dem, og … Åh gud, han havde så lidt talent for den slags. Men Gud var på hans side. Han klamrede sig til den tanke. Det er det rigtige jeg gør. Det er det rigtige jeg gør. Det er det rigtige jeg gør. Med dette nye mantra nåede han frem til dørene ind til New Scotland Yard.”
Hvis du kan genkende citatet, eller hvis du tror du kan gætte hvem forfatteren er, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre. Bogen bliver anmeldt på fredag som sædvanlig.
11 kommentarer:
I cheated but now I know this one.
Good for you, Norman. Not sure anyone else does??? You might have helped poor visitors who don´t think they are allowed to cheat by leaving a clue :)
I'm wondering how Norm knows this - is it anything to do with the television version?
Anyway, I've read it and also recognise it. Can't say I'm an enormous fan - the class relations strike me as exaggerated to the point of silly anachronism. Doesn't really deliver a great reading experience.
(Does that count as enough of a clue?)
Lauren, in my opinion it is a very helpful clue :)
I could not think of a clue that did not give it away completely. After all there are only a few people on TV that I batter down the door to watch.
Well, until I read Norman (Uriah's) last comment I was wondering if it was an author whose most recent novel has a colour in the title. But - not sure if that can be right, now.
Maxine, you are absolutely right about the latest one in English :)
The latest Danish novel may be seen as an unlucky number.
Now this one I know - and this series contains one of my absolute most favourite detectives ever (the sidekick). IMO the latest in the series was a great let-down, however.
That is what I hear from everybody, Steph.
So I decided to review the first one prior to reading & reviewing the new one.
I quite often introduce a series this way as so many of them change for better or worse over time.
You have some very clever readers ... but I'm not one of them. I've no idea what book this is from.
I do like Julia's lovely bait box, though.
(Madame Ambassador :) )
She is Too Fond of Books
I am very honoured, to be sure, Mme Ambassador :)
And I am sure some people would argue that really clever readers do not read crime fiction all the time.
Actually it is a bit difficult to decide which books to use. I try to change between English & Scandinavian books, but I probably tend to choose books which are too new, too old or just not widely read.
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