Nogle mennesker læser ikke krimier, fordi det ikke er ´rigtig´ litteratur. (Indrømmet, hvis man sluger så mange som jeg gør, ryger der en del chicklit-krimi og ugebladslitteratur indenbords.) Men hvis du hører til denne gruppe, så er her en lille udfordring: læs mindst tre af følgende bøger fra krimi/thriller-hylden (præsenteret i vilkårlig rækkefølge)
Barbara Vine, Skorstensfejerens dreng.
Kerstin Ekman, Hændelser ved vand
Arne Dahl, Misterioso (1. del af serie på 10)
P.D. James, Døde nattergale
Elsebeth Egholm, Skjulte fejl og mangler (1. Dicte-roman)
Stieg Larsson, Mænd der hader kvinder (1. del af trilogi)
Minette Walters, En velbevaret hemmelighed
Kim Småge, Sub Rosa
Colin Dexter, Sidste bus til Woodstock.
Andrew Taylor, De dødes måned.
Wilkie Collins, Kvinden i hvidt (oversat til dansk efter 148 år!)
Leif Davidsen, Limes billede.
Susanne Staun, Som arvesynden (1. Fanny Fiske-roman)
Peter Høgh, Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne.
Ruth Rendell, Simisola
Og bagefter forventer jeg selvfølgelig at få en tilbagemelding ;)
Crime Fiction for Beginners (a challenge)
To some of us reading crime fiction is just a sound and natural urge. Some readers have to be lured into the world of crime, however. So this is what I shall try to do.
Some people claim that crime fiction is not serious literature. Granted, if you swallow enough of them you will get your share of light calories. But if you belong to this group, I have a challenge for you: try at least three of these books from the thriller/crime fiction shelf.
Barbara Vine, The Chimney Sweeper´s Boy
Kerstin Ekman, Blackwater
P.D. James, Shroud for a Nightingale
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Minette Walters, The Ice House
Colin Dexter, Last bus to Woodstock.
Andrew Taylor, An air that kills (or try “Fallen Angel”, his Roth-trilogy).
Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White
Leif Davidsen, Lime´s Photograph
Ruth Rendell, Simisola
And of course I expect you to post a comment when you have tried one.
4 kommentarer:
I already tried several of those mentioned in your post:
Stieg Larsson: Men who hate women (which, if my memory serves me right, has been published abroad as "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo): Loved it! And read the two others as well. Liked the first one best and am sorry we will see no more of Mikael Blomkvist, Lisbeth Salander etc.
Minette Walters: The Icehouse. I am a big Minette Walters fan and have read all her books, except the last one, which is just waiting for me on my shelf. The Icehouse was very good and I became an instant fan. Not all of her books has been as strong, but there are some absolute diamonds among her books.
Leif Davidsen: Lime's Photograph: I liked it, but don't remember much. Its been a while.
I also read all the Elsebeth Egholm-books (not trans. to English) and I like them. And I read the 3 first Arne Dahl A-group books as well. Have no. 4 waiting on my shelf but grew a bit tired with the melancoly those books have.
Great post.
So you don´t think YOU need to commit yourself? ;)
I really think you would enjoy "Sub Rosa", + Kerstin Ekman, Barbara Vine alias Ruth Rendell, P.D. James and Andrew Taylor.
Thanks for mentioning my error, by the way (I did check the title on google, but apparently not thoroughly - I must have seen some reviews from before the English version was published).
Dorte, I am very pleased to meet you. and impressed that you haver your blog in both English and is it Swedish? (Sorry if I got that bit incorrect)
Hi Kerrie & thanks for visiting!
It is English and Danish that I write but I also read books in Swedish & Norwegian (Norwegian is very easy to Danes, Swedish is more tricky but educated people can read it if they really want to).
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