Mål for min blog (ret til ændringer forbeholdes)
1) lave en introduktion, som forklarer, at denne blog er en krimiblog, og derfor vil mit personlige liv, job og andre interesser fylde meget lidt (altså ikke en femikrimiblog ;))
- min tolerancetærskel er til gengæld temmelig høj, når det gælder krimier. Jeg sluger det meste, hvis bare plottet tegner til at være nogenlunde tilfredsstillende. Men jeg kalder det ikke nødvendigvis god litteratur.
2) skrive bedre indlæg (pudse sprog og indhold af) - overveje om det kunne være godt at indlægge spørgsmål til eftertanke, diskussion mm.
3) skrive mindst 2-3 gange om ugen, den ene gang bør være en hel boganmeldelse (ikke nødvendigvis lang - især ikke for halvdårlige krimier)
4) skrive generelle indlæg, miniartikler om krimitrends, forfattere, hovedpersoner mm (og måske direkte invitere andre bloggere indenfor til at kommentere?)
5) skrive på, hvilke krimier jeg læser/låner fra bibliotek, køber mm
6) opsøge og kommentere andre krimifanś blogs.
7) afprøve mulighederne på Blogger (men for mig skal layout først og fremmest være overskueligt, så forvent ikke fancy neon-farver og blinkende juletræskæder her).
Goals for my new blog.
1) write an introduction which explains that this blog deals with crime fiction so my private life, other hobbies & career will not be in focus here.
2) write better posts (pay more attention to language & content) - consider adding discussion questions in some reviews
3) write 2-3 times a week including at least one full book review (not necessarily long)
4) write general mini-articles on crime fiction trends, authors, main characters etc and perhaps invite specific bloggers inside to comment on them
5) write lists of the books I have borrowed from the library, bought second-hand etc
6) visit and comment on blogs by other crime fiction fans
7) experiment with my new Blogger-blog (but do not expect fancy lay-out)
9 kommentarer:
Let me first say (I know I've said it others before, but I really mean it), I'm in awe of the fact that you can blog in two languages.
I like your goals. I think a successful blog is one that is focused. And I love reading mysteries, crime fiction, and the like, so of course I'll be reading your blog regularly!
Hej Dorte
Jeg glæder mig vanvittigt til at se hvordan du vil arbejde mod dine mål og ideer i det kommende år. Det er ikke sikkert at man kan/har lyst til at deltage i hvert eneste tiltag, men jeg ved med sikkerhed, at jo mere man orker at kommentere og besøge andre blogs, des mere aktivitet bliver der på ens egen side. Velkommen til!
Hi Dorte,
I am really looking forward to see how you will work towards your goals and ideas the coming year. One doesn't have to participate in every "challenge", but I know for sure that commenting and visiting other blogs also generates more activity on one's own blog. Welcome :-)
A warm welcome to both of you.
Beth: I have actually taught English for nearly 15 years so when I read English crime fiction, it is almost easier to write notes in English as well (the vocabulary which comes to my mind automatically, so to speak).
I can't even imagine thinking in another language. I took many years of French in school, but I'm still bad. Of course I never practice!
Beth: Well, I am a horrible cook, even though I have had to cook for my family for a decade. But learning languages comes quite easy to me.
Your goals are great! And doing it in 2 languages! I would also like to write better book reviews. It is so hard to do sometimes, to put what is in your mind, into words. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great week-end!
Hi Sherrie.
Welcome in my world of crime.
As an English teacher I read, write and speak the language several hours a week, so it is probably one of the few things I am really good at ;)
I, too, try to keep my blog posts to books (not my personal life, etc.), but sometimes (for me) there's a crossover. I wrote about this shortly after I started blogging (May 2008).
You've spelled out your goals very clearly (in in two languages!). This should make them measurable/attainable for you. Good luck with your Blog Improvement Project!
She is Too Fond of Books
Hi Dawn!
Welcome to my blog & thanks.
I also think my goals were quite realistic. I sometimes set unattainable goals, but never in public ;)
Dorte, VERY fond of books.
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