As this novel is fairly old, I´d better help you a bit by revealing that it is the first in a long series.
“The foot was deformed.
Two toes missing, the first and second; obviously a congenital malformation, not a consequence of accident or surgery. All these things ought to have seemed trivial in contrast with the jagged hole between her breasts and the dark red viscous mass clogging the fabric of her dress and the pile of the carpet. But it was not so for the two men who stood over her.”
The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Friday as usual.
8 kommentarer:
Dorte - Hmmm, if I'm right, there seems something, well, feline about part of the title of this one...
Dorte I look forward to participate in your 2020 Global Reading Challenge. By that time maybe I will be able to recognize some of your quotations. At this point I'm completely in the dark.
Jose, I know what you mean. I haven´t read everything, either, but this game is very easy for me as I am the one who sets the questions. :D
Margot: I know about omniscient narrators, but now I can say that I have also met an omniscient reader! I am impressed, and I think your clue is very helpful.
I, too, am completely in the dark despite Margot's clue. I love the picture of the postbox, though - can't say the same for the quotation - grisly ;-)
Dorte - Not omnisicent - not at all. This time it was just an odd coincidence that I happened to know it.
Margot: at least you have impressed me - again and again.
Maxine: the novel as such is not as dark as it sounds, but of course I try to find a memorable quotation about the crime.
And I hoped the postbox could help, but perhaps this type is more common than I imagined. Well, it is certainly not Scandinavian ;D
That quotation is rather misleadingly gruesome, true. Thinking of the title of the book together with the start of the quotation reminded me, just a little circuitously, that I once had two much-loved polydactyl pets, Dacky and Mitten, both names medical eponyms.
Philip: I have just consulted a dictionary - good clue!
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