Ten old soldier buddies who participated in an experiment fifty years earlier agree to meet in Scotland. One of them is Harry Barnett who is now happily married and has a little daughter. One of these ten mates disappears on the train to Aberden, and soon they begin to die at an alarming rate. Who can have an interest in wiping out the participants of an unimportant, failed experiment in the fifties?
This thriller is a typical Robert Goddard. There is an old story which suddenly grows important, a touch of conspiracy, and a protagonist who may be likeable, but has some kind of flaw (a criminal past, infidelity, deceit or such) which later leads to his downfall, assisted by none-too-competent, overzealous policemen. Suspected by the police, Harry and a tarnished, fellow soldier engage in the case, and of course justice prevails in the end.
Not strictly realistic, but easily read entertainment.
A library book.
Robert Goddard, Du kan ikke vende tilbage (2008)
Denne britiske spændingsroman er den tredje i Harry Barnett-serien.
Ti gamle soldaterkammerater, som deltog i et undervisningseksperiment halvtreds år tidligere, aftaler at mødes i Skotland. En af dem er Harry Barnett, som nu er lykkeligt gift og har en lille datter. En af de ti forsvinder i toget på vej til Aberdeen, og snart begynder de gamle venner at dø i et foruroligende tempo. Hvem kan have en interesse i at udrydde deltagerne i et ligegyldigt, mislykket forsøg i 50erne?
Denne thriller er meget typisk for Robert Goddard. Der er en gammel forhistorie som pludselig bliver aktuel, et snert af sammensværgelse, og en hovedperson, som ganske vist er meget sympatisk men har nogle fejl i bagagen (måske kriminalitet, måske utroskab, svigt eller lignende), som senere er med til at fælde ham, godt hjulpet af emsige politifolk. Mistænkt af politiet kaster Harry og en anløben gammel soldaterkammerat sig ud i selv at opklare sagen. Og i sidste ende sejrer retfærdigheden naturligvis.
Ikke vildt realistisk, men udmærket, letlæst underholdning fra biblioteket.
11 kommentarer:
There are actually rumours that this is being made into a film. Any thoughts on this?
Dorte it is always interesting to find new authors. Thanks for your post.
Dorte - Ah, so *that's* why I wasn't able to recognize your clue. I've read Goddard, but not this one . Ah, well, thanks, as always, for the excellent review.
Tracy: if you mean ´do you think it is a good idea?´ I am sure there will be an audience for it.
If you mean ´do you want to see it?´ the answer is hardly. I don´t watch thrillers very often, I prefer police procedurals.
Jose: you are welcome. And as you can see, I have not only reviewed one, I have reviewed them all ;D
Margot: well, if you liked the review, I suppose it means you agree that this recipe is typical for Goddard. He is not an author I must read, but now and then I pick one from the library (especially when I cannot find enough police procedurals).
I too have read a few Goddards - I recall one or two of them as being very different from this thriller genre, but honestly after attempting to read a couple that had plots very similar to the one you describe, I said to myself "that's enough". Sorry, but I just got bored with it all.
Maxine: no need to make excuses because you grew tired of Goddard. Some of his plots and characters are okay, but we seem to agree that he uses the same formula far too often.
This sounds quite interesting. I'm not familiar with the author and will look back at your reviews of his other books. (I'm also looking across my laptop at my shelves full of books waiting TBR!... like I NEED to find a new author to follow!!)
Great review, Dorte! Hope you have a nice weekend of reading and writing. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
Kelly: I think it is great that you want to try Robert Goddard, but I won´t call this one his best book. My memory may not be quite trustworthy, but I think In Pale Battalions (1988), Painting the Darkness (1989) and Borrowed Time (1995) are better stories. I have not read any other of his books while blogging so I don´t have any records.
Elizabeth: thank you, and you too!
Actually I have been reading quite a lot lately (partly because I have been too tired to write). I have some ideas for a few stories, though, so perhaps in a few days ...
My favorite is PAST CARING.
Patti: I agree that it is much better than this one. Many of his plots are not bad at all, but I don´t think he is an author whose books you should devour one after the other in a few months.
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