Og her er reglerne:
Få nogen til at tage et billede af dig selv. Ikke noget med at kitte og spartle først, snup det bare med det samme.
Vis billedet på din blog, og spring så selv ud og tag en håndfuld nye bloggere.
Mine ofre:
Norman, Nille, Cathy, Jane og Anette
- nu er det jer, der er den, og jeg glæder mig sådan til at se, hvad I finder på.
II. Desuden har Julia læst min anmeldelse af Borkmanns Punkt og stillet et spændende spørgsmål, som fortjener alle mine intelligente krimilæseres opmærksomhed:
”Jeg gad vide hvorfor så mange kriminalkommissærer/detektiver er livstrætte og kun føler sig levende, når de jagter døden før den indhenter endnu et offer?”

Keeping it Real
I. Julia of A Piece of my Mind tagged me for this one. I jumped up straight away and asked my son to take a picture so what you see is what you get: DJ from tall son´s perspective.
Here are the rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now. No primping or preparing. Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog. Tag some people to play. NO CHEATING!
I have tagged:
Norman, Nille, Cathy, Jane, Anette
- and I am sooo curious to see what you´ll come up with.
II. Furthermore, Julia read my review of Nesser´s Borkmann´s Point and asked me a really interesting question which deserves the attention of all the bright crime fiction readers who visit me:
“I wonder why so many inspectors/detectives are bored by life and only feel alive when they are chasing death, before it visits another victim?”
6 kommentarer:
Dorte we too have a smart leather sofa and wood floors but one of my sons is sleeping on that sofa. I got my tall daughter [they are all tall compared with me ;o)] to quickly take my photo. My granddaughter was on the sofa reading as usual she is definitely a future book fanatic.
On the question of the detectives I suspect they are "adrenaline " junkies and get a high from the chase.
Oh, these sons, they do get in your way once in a while. Good you also had a daughter :)
I think you are right about the detectives. Yet I wonder whether real detectives are all like that. I am sure that on some level they cannot help ´enjoying´ a difficult murder case, but now and then they probably think it is just as tiresome as my correcting English essays.
Great picture! I love it. My tall husband took my picture, too - he's lucky because I'll always look up to him...
Hey - thanks for bringing up my comment. My husband thinks that real life detectives don't get the joy of a wrapped-up plot too often, and the burden of carrying unsolved mysteries sometimes for years can take a lot out of a person.
Julia, we all like it when our readers ask thoughtful and relevant questions, don´t we?
- I discussed the situation of real life detectives with my grown son yesterday, and we agreed that in Denmark many murder cases are of the banal (yet very tragic) kind where the husband kills his wife in a fit of rage, and afterwards he calls the police himself or sits staring at his victim until the neighbours react. But of course they also have a few ´clever´ crimes where they must give up solving them and here I agree with your husband. I certainly don´t envy a real life chief inspector.
Hi Dorte
I am in!!! I my next post, I will participate in this little game :-) Just need to get some work done first...
Jane, I know that work gets in one´s way now and then. My holiday is over tomorrow so I am certainly going to enjoy my last hours of freedom.
Great that you are playing along. I´ll be there and take a look at you :D
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