Gæt en bog (3)
Følgende citat stammer fra den anden krimi i en serie.
"Men det underlige var bare, at damen ikke rørte sig. Hun havde heller ingen tøj på, og et øjeblik blev han flov over at han stod og kiggede på en nøgen dame. Det røde han havde set, var ikke et stykke tøj, men en væske som lå lige ved siden af hende, men han kunne ikke se, at der var noget tøj nogen steder. Mærkeligt, ligge her nøgen. Der var jo så koldt."
Hvis du kan genkende citatet, eller hvis du tror du kan gætte hvem forfatteren er, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre.
Bait in the Box (3)
The following quotation comes from a Scandinavian whodunnit, the second in a series. The environment plays a major role in the book.
"But the odd thing was that the lady didn´t move. She didn´t have any clothes on either, and for an instant he was embarrassed that he was standing there looking at a naked lady. The red he had seen was not a piece of cloth but something wet right next to her, and he couldn´t see her clothes anywhere. Funny, lying there naked. Especially when it was so cold."
The rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away.
18 kommentarer:
Well, I don't recognize the quotation, but one thing I know and that is that the book has to one of those Scandinavian thrillers which are translated. I also suspect that it could be a femi-thriller, which Dorte has talked about in another post. But am not sure though, that is necessarily IS indeed a femi-thriller.
I am taking a wild guess and say that the quotation comes from a female, Swedish author whose books takes place way up north in the dark corner of Sweden....????
Two of three clues are correct, Louise :)
Um, I wonder if I started this series with book 3.
I would be very surprised indeed if you did!
The book takes place in ireland.
I have no idea on this one.
I'm pretty sure I've read this one, but I am not 100% and I can't seem to decide which two of the three I mentioned above I have to go with. So to get closer to the truth, I'll ask if the titles of this authors books are somewhat "poetic sounding" albeit a bit dark? And also, could it be a clue that this female author has written 4 books in a series so far?
In my opinion the title is neither poetic nor dark, but 4 books in a series is correct.
Hmm. Then I am at a loss here, because I am pretty sure you would call the titles at least either poetic or dark. Actually, what I mean is, that the titles are not "down to earth" like: "Murder in Copenhagen" or "A Man Got Killed", if you know what I mean.
But okay, if I am still on the right track, then I would like to know if the series take place further north than Stockholm?
Nearer Gothenburg?
Gothenburg is not at all a bad guess :)
Four books have not been translated though? I may have this book on the way to me.
Translated into English that is. My apologies there are other languages.
No need to apologize, Norman. I actually thought that this week´s bait was a bit unfair, but I should have trusted the intelligence of my readers. LOL
I am still waiting for this to arrive in the post so I am not going to read your review till I have read the book. I enjoyed The Ice Princess and was pleased that one of "my grumpy old man" complaints, about the blurb not the book, got a response from the blurb author Val McDermid.
I know I had an advantage on this one, being able to review the book so early :)
I really think you´ll enjoy it.
And I just KNEW I had read this one. Unfortunately all I had in mind was Aasa Larsson's four books, which does have, in my humble opinion, dark, poetic titles. Great one, Dorte.
Louise, jeg vidste også, du havde læst den, for jeg havde søgt på bogsider + prædikanten i Google :)
Det er jo mig, der sidder med alle fordelene her, så jeg aner ikke, hvor meget jeg selv ville kunne huske om de tusindvis af krimier, jeg har læst siden jeg blev konfirmeret. Sikkert ikke ret mange :)
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