As I told you recently, my daughters surprised me this year with my first advent calendar ever. Today I found these wonderful book marks, handmade by my youngest daughter. Aren´t they beautiful?

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6 kommentarer:
Oh, they are lovely, Dorte :). Thanks for sharing them! Your daughters are very good to you.
Margot: yes, they are! And I love the Toni Morrison quotation; it is such a fine reminder that I should keep writing.
Those are lovely, Dorte. Sometimes I get a hand-made bookmark or calendar, and these are always my favourite presents.
They're gorgeous! Wish I was crafty. My daughter makes cute things for her age. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
That is so sweet, Dorte! And she found some lovely quotes, too.
Maxine: yes, they are beautiful, and they look very professional.
Elizabeth: Elisabeth does not consider herself very crafty, so she enjoyed your comment very much.
Belle: yes, they are very personal, and especially the Toni Morrison quote means a lot to me.
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