torsdag den 26. maj 2011

Thy´s Day 52

When I saw Norman´s comment Monday about the flat lands of Denmark, I knew I had to share these pictures with you though I am afraid you cannot really see the depth in them. They are from "Skyum Bjerge", a hilly area not far from our home. (You can click on each photo to enlarge them if you want more details).

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Dorte - Oh, those are such lovely 'photos! I think my favourite is the second one, but they're all beautiful. And yes, I see the hills in them.

Felicity Grace Terry sagde ...

Thanks for the share. The last two photos look almost like land that was once a disused quarry.

Kelly sagde ...

This looks like a beautiful area. What is the body of water in the distance in the second photo?

Dorte H sagde ...

Margot: Skyum is a wonderful place, and Thy is not as flat as most of Denmark :)

Tracy: yes, I can see that, but I think it must be erosion instead.

Kelly: it is Limfjorden - a fiord = "A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes".

Bibliophile sagde ...

Having done a bit of bicycling in Denmark I can attest it is certainly not flat.

Dorte H sagde ...

Bibliophile: bicycling is a good way of checking something like that :)

Bill Selnes sagde ...

Dorte: For flat you should come to southern Saskatchewan. While my area has trees to the south people make a joke that the land is so flat you can see your dog run away for 3 days.

Dorte H sagde ...

Bill: I wish I could. That would be much funnier than preparing oral exams! ;D
There are also really flat areas in Denmark, but then there´ll probably be trees your dog can hide in. I just had to prove that our area is NOT flat.

Anonym sagde ...

The cover page is great and looks good

Dorte H sagde ...

Hello Peter.

Thank you for your comments of today.

I don´t use this blog any more, though, so if you like my crime fiction reviews, please visit my new blog: