tirsdag den 26. april 2011

Two-Sentence Tuesday

Here is a teaser from my current read. It is far from the first time I am reading a novel by the British writer Martin Edwards, and I know you will enjoy the first two sentences as much as I did:

"The dead woman smiled. So far, so good."

And here is a taste of my own work, Crystal Nights.

"Though Morten Haugaard did not like to interfere, Niels had made him feel vaguely uneasy. Niels was only ten, but he was a clever boy, and if the said Lars-Ole was not at home, he was probably right."

8 kommentarer:

Elizabeth Spann Craig sagde ...

I love these teasers~! They're both wonderful. :)

Harvee44 sagde ...

Great lines! Mine is from a new culinary mystery.
Crunch Time

Heather sagde ...

Both good opening sentences.

Dorte H sagde ...

Elizabeth: thank you.

Harvee: I´ll come and check them out.

Heather: thank you.

Felicity Grace Terry sagde ...

Two great teasers, its great that you include one of your own.

Kelly sagde ...

Great teasers! I'm going to have to read some Martin Edwards at some point.

Dorte H sagde ...

Thank you, Tracy.

Dorte H sagde ...

Kelly: he is a really fine British writer.