”You´d never believe it to look at me now, but once upon a time I killed a man.”
In this third novel about DCI Hannah Scarlett, head of the Cold Case Review Team, a journalist begins looking into the case of a woman, Emma Bestwick, who disappeared without a trace ten years ago. Somewhat against her will Hannah is forced to reopen the case by her superior who wants good relations with the press.
As usual, the historian Daniel Kind gets involved via his keen interest in the old legends and stories of his beloved Lake District. His relationship with Miranda is less promising, though, or more precisely Miranda´s relationship with the rural setting. Yet Daniel does not exactly seem devastated as long as he has an opportunity to meet Hannah Scarlett occasionally.
One of the local secrets is the tunnel called the arsenic labyrinth where the poison was removed from tin ore in the past. A mysterious and remote spot which may appeal to people who have something to hide.
A very fine plot from Martin Edwards´ hand, combined with some engaging and credible characters.
And the best news? Rumour has it that a new volume of the series is well on its way.
See Kerrie´s review, Mysteries in Paradise.
4 kommentarer:
This sounds like a series I should try.
Beth, it is a police procedural in the best British tradition. I didn´t have time to write a long review today, but I can certainly recommend Martin´s books.
He also writes a very interesting blog, by the way: http://doyouwriteunderyourownname.blogspot.com/
I enjoyed it too Dorte. He is an excellent writer
See here
Yes, Kerrie, and the series gets better and better.
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