This Scandinavian novel is not the first in the series – but might seem so.
“There´s a dead girl in Kronoberg Park.” This one had the breathless voice of a heavy drug user. Amphetamines perhaps.
She took her eyes away from the screen and fumbled for a pen amid the mess on her desk. “How do you know?” she asked, too much skepticism in her voice.
“Because I´m fucking standing next to it.!” The voice rose to falsetto and she held the phone away from her ear.
“Okay. How dead?” she said, realizing she sounded ridiculous.
“Shit! Stone dead! How fucking dead can you be?”
The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed (briefly) on Friday.
Gæt en bog # 22.
Denne skandinaviske krimi er ikke den første i serien – selv om man kunne tro det.
- Der ligger en død pige i Kronobergsparken. Stemmen var stakåndet, sproget vidnede om et regelmæssigt forbrug af amfetamin.
Hun slap skærmen med blikket og fumlede efter en pen på det rodede skrivebord.
- Hvordan ved du det? spurgte hun alt for skeptisk.
- Fordi jeg står her lige ved siden af, for fa´n! Stemmen gik i falset; hun fjernede røret lidt fra øret.
- Jaså, hvordan død? spurgte hun og kunne selv høre, hvor idiotisk det lød.
- Jamen stendød, for helvede! Hvor død kan man være?
Hvis du kan genkende citatet, eller hvis du tror du kan gætte hvem forfatteren er, så læg venligst en kommentar. Skriv bare et hint til nye besøgende, lad være med at ødelægge fornøjelsen for andre. Bogen vil blive anmeldt (kort) på fredag.
9 kommentarer:
I can guess that the author isn't an elderly professor of criminology.
Well put, Norman :)
I think this book of odd and rather misleading title was actually a so-called 'prequel' to what was otherwise the first book in a series. In any order, I thought them rather poor stuff and aimed at a particular demographic group, though I wasn't even sure precisely which one, only that I wasn't in it.
I have no idea, but the bit you've quoted makes me want to read it.
Philip: prequel is a good clue. I liked the first books in this series quite a bit, but I can see your point.
Kate: I also think the plot is exciting.
Good old Google found it for me, but the title is a bit off putting isn't it? A prude like me might easily put it back on the shelf. BTW you can read the opening chapter on Amazon.
Good old Google!
I know about the English title, of course, but the Danish one is not remarkable in any way. I don´t quite understand why they gave it that title in the British version as I don´t see it as ´that kind of book´.
The paperback on Amazon.uk seems to have a slightly different and less off-putting title.
Not an author I've ever been particularly enthused by, and I'm not sure why. Perhaps because I can never understand journalists getting involved in quite so many criminal cases. Certainly not *bad* though.
Lauren, I agree on the verdict "not bad" :)
In the beginning I liked this author more, though, but I have also read too many Scandinavian crime stories with female journalists in the course of a few years so ....
I try to vary my crime diet, and now I begin to feel that I need some British writers soon.
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