Liget af en ung kvinde bliver fundet på en kirkegård, og Annika er så heldig at få et tip. Stædigt bider hun sig fast, og det lykkes hende at få lov at skrive om sagen. Ikke mere om plottet her, men den svenske og engelske titel antyder vist, at den myrdede kvinde har forbindelse til porno- og prostitutionsmiljøet.
Denne krimi er efter min mening noget af det bedste fra Liza Marklunds hånd. Spændende plot, og en interessant sidehistorie om Annikas egen baggrund.
Liza Marklund, Studio Sex (2002) – aka studio 69.

Annika gets a tip that the body of a young woman has been found in a cemetery. Stubbornly she holds on to the story and is allowed to write about it. No more about the plot here, but as the Swedish and English titles suggest, the murdered woman has a connection to porn and prostitution.
In my opinion this crime novel is one of Marklund´s best. A great plot, plus an interesting side story about Annika´s own background.
4 kommentarer:
It's Marklunds best. From there it goes downhill (I haven't read the last one).
Neither have I, but I agree that crimewise the quality has been falling. In her recent works she has been too preoccupied with her feminist project in my opinion.
Yes, me too. I was quite enjoying reading Paradise until about two-thirds of the way through, when she switched into lecturing mode. It broke the spell and I put the book down. I had been thinking that I might try one of her others ... perhaps Studio 69 would be a good bet.
Tim, lecturing mode is a good term for it. I saw Marklund on Danish TV recently. The poor male journalist asked her what I think was a rather good question: couldn´t women try to handle the combination of family and career better than men have done. She could only see this question as an indication that men want women back in the kitchen.
So if we don´t run the same risk of dying of heart failure far too early, we have not achieved equality???
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