onsdag den 20. oktober 2010

DJ´s Bait in the Box # 76

[This week´s box belongs to Kelly, Kelly´s Thoughts & Ramblings]

I am afraid this week´s quotation is as unguessable as last week´s, but you won´t catch me underestimating my bright readers (at least not today). A British debut; does that help?

“In another corner a girl was hurled up in the foetal position. She was bright red with the blood that covered her. At first glance Denison took her to be naked, then realized that her bra and knickers were soaked through with the stuff. A paramedic was trying to shine a torch in her eyes. Denison instinctively went over to see if he could help. The girl was rocking to and fro, eyes unseeing, her pupils huge and black, ringed with only a thin line of iris.”

The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Friday or Saturday.

8 kommentarer:

Jose Ignacio Escribano sagde ...

Cambrige rather than Oxford.

pattinase (abbott) sagde ...

This sounds awfully familiar and not because I have read it. Just because so many movies and TV shows begin with scenes like this one now. Have we become inured to violence against women. The last episode of Dexter had a scene almost identical to this.

Dorte H sagde ...

Jose: I don´t know how you do that. Spot on - again.

Patti: you have a good point, but I won´t judge the violence against women aspect until I have read the whole novel.

Kelly sagde ...

From the beginning of that excerpt I fully expected the girl to be dead. Sounds interesting!

Belle Wong sagde ...

No guesses here, but this is an extremely intriguing opening.

Dorte H sagde ...

Kelly and Belle: and the book lived up to this high level of excitement most of the way.

BooksPlease sagde ...

Don't think I'd want to be at Ariel college!

Dorte H sagde ...

Margaret: neither would I. How lucky for me I am not smart enough :D