Does she really look like someone who is ready for eighty birthday guests?
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- but if you want a quiet, dignified birthday party,
you may consider NOT inviting your siblings!
Kommentarer og anmeldelser af krimier, samt korte indlæg om kriminallitteratur. Crime fiction reviews and comments.
16 kommentarer:
Happy birthday party :-)
80 guests? Wow! Happy Birthday! Looks like so much fun. :)
I hope you have a wonderful birthday party!
Happy birthday to another February baby.
Dorte - Oh, that looks like so much fun! I hope you had a wonderful time.
What a wonderful time you must have had! The flowers are lovely.
Linse: it was Saturday, my 40s are irrevocably gone ;D
Elizabeth: it was!
Jackie: I had.
Tracy: February is a great month for birthdays - too cold and grey to do anything else.
Margot: it was a wonderful day.
Kelly: yes, being together with so many friends was wonderful.
happy birthday. I now celebrate them from under a blanket.
Patti: As you can see, I (or rather my sisters) have begun disguising the hair and the body - who knows what will happen in the next few years ;)
Happy birthday!
Thank you, Margaret.
Til lykke med den meget runde dag.
Det var da ellers noget af et party - 80 gæster!
Det lyder som om I har haft en rigtig sjov fest, men hvorfor minder du mig lige om Sherlock Holmes på det billede? Skulle det have noget med din krimiinteresse at gøre, eller er det et rent tilfælde?
If that was me waiting for eighty guests, that would have been a hell of a large glass of wine in my hand!!!
Ellen: tak. Vi holdt åbent hus, så jeg har såmænd ikke engang talt dem selv. Sherlock Holmes er nok lidt tilfældig; det var mine søde søstre, som mente jeg trængte til hat, briller, stok mm - erhvervet i genbrugsen - så det må jo bare være mig, der ligner en detektiv ;)
Vanda: I didn´t know there would be 80. We just advertised (in Denmark it is called ´open house´ - you just drop in, sit down and have a bite. Very informal which is what I like about it.
WOW!!! Happy Birthday -- I don't think 80 people could fit in my house! But sounds like fun, despite the siblings incident.
Thank you, Beth. And if the siblings incident made me look like a detective, I suppose I shouldn´t mind at all :D
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