torsdag den 17. marts 2011

Thy´s Day # 43

Spring finally sprung. 
It is so cold here you wouldn´t believe it, though. 

(I added a close-up from last year for visitors
who don´t know the flower)

Can you see the smoke? 

9 kommentarer:

Harvee44 sagde ...

What is that yellow flower? Absolutely beautiful. Lovely house.

Dorte H sagde ...

Harvee: they are winter aconites.
Our three most common spring flowers are snowdrop, crocus and these. They are very late this year.

Anonym sagde ...

Dorte - Those are, as always, lovely 'photos. I've never seen winter aconites but they are beautiful flowers. And I did see the smoke in the second 'photo; it adds a nice touch. And the building in the third 'photo is so interesting-looking! Thanks for sharing :-).

Dorte H sagde ...

Margot: thank you.

The smoke was also a statement, telling you how cold it is here. The building is our house (the vicarage) seen from the West.

Kelly sagde ...

I like your home! It looks quite cozy. (and I did see the smoke!)

Ellen sagde ...

Strangely enough - aconites are relatively unknown - even in countries with the same climate as DK... wonder why?
Spring greetings from Merry Ellen ;-)

Dorte H sagde ...

Kelly: our vicarage is pretty, but huge (especially when it needs to be clean - i.e. always)

Ellen: thank you. Spring does indeed make you merry. Perhaps aconites only thrive in certain kinds of soil? We have two small patches of wood around the vicarage; aconites and anemones just love that.

Barbara sagde ...

I know what you mean about cleaning a huge house, but I do love yours.

Dorte H sagde ...

Barbara: it is very beautiful, just twice as large as we need nowadays ;)