søndag den 21. marts 2010
It is probably a good idea to think about one´s blog once in a while – why am I blogging? Is my blog what I wanted it to be, or are there things I ought to change?
See my post from last year about my goals.
For a long time, I did my best to live up to my own expectations, but for months I have fought to overcome work, family, blog, plus reading and writing fiction. Why not be honest and admit that my programme is too much for me if I want to do it all properly?
Of course I cannot – and will not – give up DJ’s Krimiblog altogether. I enjoy reviewing books, discussing crime fiction, reading your wonderful comments and visiting all your gorgeous, inspiring blogs.
But to get some breathing space I will have to be less ambitious. I will have to be content with fewer posts every week, and I will have to forget the goal I set in January: reading more than 100 crime novels in 2010. There are just too many things I neglect, e.g. my writing and the beautiful spring around me.
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26 kommentarer:
I'm pleased you're not giving up your blog! But I do know what you mean about the time it takes. I've been thinking about my blog for a while now - where I'm going with it etc and really it's just for my own satisfaction - so I'll be writing less posts too and getting out and about more.
Enjoy the spring!
A hobby should never become a chore Dorte so I don't blame you in the least for reducing the time you spend blogging. Good luck with getting all your activities happening in the amounts that make you most satisfied :)
Dorte - Good for you to think about what your priorities really are! If you're not fulfilling yourself the way you want to, then you're wise to re-think everything. I'll look forward to the posts you do share with us, and be happy for you that you're focusing your life the way you want to.
The information that I've read has said that even if you post just once a week that your blog will still maintain a certain level of traffic...especially if readers know what day to expect your post. I hope we'll get more posts than that from you, but believe me I TOTALLY understand your reasons behind this. And anytime my family fusses at me for my blogging, I consider it, too. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
Margaret: thank you! Blogging is one of the most interesting things in my life so it is not likely I will give it up altogether.
Bernadette: oh, there are other chores I wouldn´t mind reducing, but blogging is one of the few time-consumers where I have any choice.
Margot: well, I think I´d better change a few things before my boss and my family give up on me! The other solution would be to give up writing fiction, and I am not sure I am ready to do that.
Elizabeth: I am probably far too addicted to blogging to go down to one post a week. In fact I have three or four posts ready, but some of them are very short, and over time, there will be days with no posts.
Kære Dorte!
Jeg kan kun af hjertet bakke dig op i at foretage en prioritering,som giver dig mere luft!
Jeg har jo ikke så meget erfaring i at blogge, men jeg synes,at det er overvældende, at du har kunnet både levere daglige indlæg her, kommentere og styre Skrivebloggen, skrive indlæg og kommentere på Tordenfluen, være med på Perfiktion, skrive dine tekster, passe dit arbejde og din familie velvidende, hvilken diagnose du har og lever med.
Og nu bliver det forår, så det skal også have en prioritet til fordel for de mere vinterlige aktiviteter, for uden lys og luft ingen energi!
Knus Bente
Godt du husker at passe på dig selv, kære Dorte. Foråret vil give ny energi til os alle sammen efter en lang vinter.
Phew! I'm glad you are not giving up blogging completely. Plenty of successful bloggers post only a few times a week.
Totally understandable that it is sometimes necessary to pull back. If I weren't online all day most days for work, I'd have to pull back too.
Dorte, Thank you for being so honest about trying to juggle all that facets of your life and "downsizing" your goals.
It must be spring that's making some of us ask, as you have, "why am I blogging? Is my blog what I wanted it to be, or are there things I ought to change?"
Enjoy the spring weather and your fiction writing!
I too am glad you won't be stopping blogging, as I love reading your blog and attempting to participate in your challenges ;-) However, I agree with everyone that blogging should be a pleasure and if it begins to become a duty then of course it is time to take stock and re-evaluate. As you point out in your post, one has so little leisure time that it is important to do what you most want to do in that time. Also, blogging does have a very social aspect, and it can soak up a lot of time visiting and commenting on other people's blogs, so this is something I don't think anyone should feel obliged to do, either.
Enjoy your writing, in whatever form you undertake!
Kære Bente.
Jeg har vel heller ikke rigtigt haft tid, men min blog her er noget af det mest spændende, jeg laver, og man bliver ikke så træt af sjove ´pligter´ som af de sure, vel?
Og nu har jeg lige været ude i haven med kameraet, så faktisk har jeg snart en hel uges indlæg liggende.
Kh Dorte.
Kære Søren.
Jeg kunne også bare følge dit eksempel og kun blogge, når jeg havde noget at sige ;D
Jeg ville bare ønske, det var lige så nemt at skære ned på antallet af stile, jeg skal rette.
Kh Dorte.
Beth: as long as I can use a computer, I am not sure you will get rid of me. It is not only a question of my own blog, but also the community with so many interesting and friendly people all over the world!
Cathryn: one of the reasons why I pulled myself together to write the post was that I saw your post, and a similar post on Maxine´s blog. I love blogging, but this month when I have not had time or energy to write fiction has given me severe withdrawal symptoms.
Maxine: thank you for your encouragement! And it is not so much that blogging feels like a duty, but it is very difficult to tell your headmaster that you´ll only teach every second day, or mark every second essay.
But of course I cannot stop blogging altogether! It gives me so many great surprises and wonderful contacts that I wouldn´t miss!
Just as happy as the other commenters to see that you are not going to stop blogging! That said, I completely know where you're coming from. I really LOVE to blog, but I also need to keep up with work and private life, and those two things has been quite hectic for a few months now, and blogging has been a bit on the back burner, without me forgetting it completely, of course.
I do strive to find more time to blog, though, and I actually miss being online every day or at least not as randomly as has been the case for some time.
Enjoy spring :)
Trying to keep to a daily schedule can take all the fun out of blogging and certainly interfere with "real life".
I go through spurts, sometimes blogging every day, other times maybe only 2 or 3 times a week.
Do what best suits you and know that however often (or not) that you blog, I'll still be reading!!
I don't do nearly what you do and there still aren't enough hours in each day to do what I want/need to!!
Louise: thank you! Yes, I know that you also have much else to contend with.
Kelly: you are all so kind!
Kære Dorte!
Nej, det er jo lige netop tid, du har haft for lidt af til alle de ting, som du gerne vil varetage samvittighedsfuldt og godt!
Kan du ikke sende en stak stile herover på Fyn! Kan godt huske, hvor tidskrævende lige netop det var, hvis det skulle gøre godt, og dermed også have en funktion.
Det er jo ikke karakteren, ungerne lærer så meget af, som det er de vejledende rettelser og forslag til forbedringer, som kan bruges til næste gangs skrivning.
Glæder mig til at se dine fotos! Jeg stod blot 10 meter fra en flot råbuk i dag. Den kiggede mig dybt i øjnene og vendte så sin hvide bagdel mod mig og hoppede ind i skoven!
KH Bente
I completely understand. Lately I've been debating dropping my Wednesday posts now and then because things are getting so hectic. There are times when I haven't felt like blogging, and times when I haven't had the energy to visit other blogs. I've had to tell myself that it's ok and that I don't have to feel guilty. The blog is supposed to be for me and just for fun, so if it stops serving that purpose then I have to pause and reevaluate.
I hope you are able to take some time off to achieve the balance you would like.
Just don't downsize to the point where we can't see you!
Alyce: thank you for reminding me - and you - that we should not feel guilty!
Seana: oh, over the next days I am not sure you will even notice that I have down-sized. I wrote several posts yesterday (I try to keep Sunday clear of work) so though some of them are short, you are not likely to forget I exist ;D
You're right to do what feels like should be done. This way you will never feel that blogging becomes a chore instead of pleasure. And spring is indeed the one season that really should be cherished and enjoyed.
Lilly: who knows how much time I will get outside anyway, but I have found the time to write two short texts in the course of a week, and that was one of my goals.
I love ;your blog even if I don't come and leave a comment everyday. I will still be checking in regardless of how often you post. I love to 'met' all the new authors you are introducing me to. As for a target number of books to read; my only goal is to read more Canadian books than i did last year.
Heather: thank you!
I also follow far more blogs than I can manage to comment on every day, but all my readers are welcome, and it is a pleasure every time you do take the time to comment!
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