fredag den 7. januar 2011

Anniversary & Competition

[For danske læsere: se også bogkonkurrencen nedenfor]

Today, January 7th, is the second anniversary of DJ´s Krimiblog.

Two years with blog posts almost every day, 225 reviews, and most important: 43,000 guests from c 100 countries.

Thank you to each and every one of you for your visits, comments, friendship and encouragement!

This calls for celebration and a competition, I think.

The rules:
World wide competition.

Send an e-mail with your name before January 21st with the title ´competition´ to (at)

Tie breaker: mention one of my blog posts (or a weekly feature) that you like.

The prize: a gift voucher for or Amazon UK of $ 15 or £ 10 (or another online shop where I can pay with visa card).

18 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Congratulations, Dorte! It is hard to believe you have only been blogging for 2 years, as it seems as if you have been here for ever. Well done, and here is looking forward to many future years of DJ's Krimiblog!
Best wishes

BooksPlease sagde ...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I hope there are many more to come.

Elizabeth Spann Craig sagde ...

Congratulations, Dorte! Hope you have a Happy Blogoversary!

Jose Ignacio Escribano sagde ...

Happy blogoversary, Dorte.

Anonym sagde ...

Dorte - Congratulations on your blogoversary!! It's such a wonderful resource; no wonder I'm here just about every day!

Felicity Grace Terry sagde ...

Happy 2nd blogoversary - here's to many, many more.

Dorte H sagde ...

Maxine: I know what you mean, the years seem to pass much faster when you blog!

Margaret, Elizabeth and Jose: thank you very much.

Margot: you are so kind, and you with your wonderful blog.

Tracy: thank you!

Joanne Ganley sagde ...

AWESOME! Happy blogoversary, Dorte! I'm glad I discovered you - always fun to read, informative and inspiring. Look forward to the rest of your posts for 2011.

Mason Canyon sagde ...

Congratulations on your second blogoversary. Looking forward to many more years of reading your post.

Thoughts in Progress

Kelly sagde ...

Congratulations on two years of blogging, Dorte!! I look forward to many more!

pattinase (abbott) sagde ...

Congratulations and a very nice blog it is.

Dorte H sagde ...

Thank you very much!

Beth F sagde ...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Hard to believe how fast time goes by. You have definitely brightened my online life and added to my reading wish list.

Unknown sagde ...

Wow, two years. I'm glad you're writing more posts in English because I love your book reviews. Question: (and mostly because I'm too lazy to look) Do you have your book reviews labeled by country. I'm trying to do your challenge and want to find books to read by country.

Dorte H sagde ...

Beth: oh, you are so kind!

Clarissa: yes; if you check what is called "etiketter" to the right, you can see what I have reviewed from e.g. Italy, France, Scotland ...

Cathryn Grant sagde ...

A belated Happy Anniversary!

Although I can't begin to keep up with your reading pace, I love your reviews and your dry sense of humor.

Of course, I also enjoy your flash fiction!

Unknown sagde ...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I thought your blog was much older than that - you come across as a real veteran of the blogging world :-)

I'll leave your generous competition for someone with less books than me to win!

Dorte H sagde ...

Cathryn and Jackie: thank you.