“He lifted the razor and, with one dramatic sweep, drew it across his throat. It left a bright red line. He stood for a moment frowning down at the blade, unexpectedly scarlet. He swayed forwards then jerked himself upright as if with great effort. The Keeper of the Cakes bustled cheerfully on with the breakfast tray. Salieri took a step to meet her. She stared at him, her mouth shaped to a silent O, then she dropped the tray and caught him as he fell. Then she screamed. Shrieks of pure terror. Over and over again. Whilst the bright blood flowed over her snowy fichu and dove-grey skirt on to the boards beneath.”
The Rules:
If you recognize the quotation, or if you think you are able to guess who wrote it, please post a comment. Just leave a hint, do not spoil the fun by giving too much away. The book will be reviewed on Sunday.
7 kommentarer:
Dorte - If this is the book I'm thinking of, I admit I haven't read it, but I have seen the film. I couldn't give a better clue than you do with that box - not without giving spoilers.
Ah, Margot, I always like when my readers appreciate my selection of tins and boxes! Pick a choc :D
This isn't a book I have read, but I've seen a play about Salieri, which was filmed, so it may be a book version of that. If so, definitely an appropriate box!
I have not read it either but the chocolates and Salieri provide a nice clue. Mister Escribano.
Maxine: perhaps not ´a play about Salieri´, but a novel about a play about Salieri :D
Jose: I really tried to be helpful, but even though we have seen this one on TV within the last year or two, it may seem very old to British viewers.
All I can think of is that movie about Salieri from some years back and I doubt that's what it is.
I do love the box, though!!
Kelly: the drama about Saliere is part of the story so in a way you are right.
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